Multi-Campus, Energy Auditing and Billing Management
In accordance with Energy Independent Security Act 2005 (EISA) and Executive Order 13693, Federal facilities are required to conduct energy audits on building operations, utility usage, existing equipment, and other building systems. These audits uncover operational and equipment deficiencies and identify retrofit solutions that reduce energy and improve building performance. From the results of the audits, energy initiatives are developed to help meet energy intensity reduction goals and greenhouse emissions targets. Recently, ANTARES performed Level II ASHRAE energy audits at five facilities around the United States. The final reports for that effort included a review of more than 100 energy conservation measures (ECMs) including building envelope improvements, lighting upgrades, building automation systems, HVAC, water conservation and renewable energy systems. ECMs were recommended for implementation based on life-cycle cost estimates, operational enhancements or improvements to site security.
Level II Energy Audit
ANTARES has the ability to deliver reports on multiple sites simultaneously