Scoping Studies
Under contract with National Grid, ANTARES staff has performed multiple scoping studies (ASHRAE Level 1-type audits) at a variety of sites in Northeast. The studies have included office buildings, municipal-owned buildings (libraries, community centers, and police/fire departments), schools, hospitals, and industrial facilities. The objective of the work was to identify capital-based energy efficiency measures that may provide infrastructure improvements for the buildings. These studies were completed quickly. The final reports included details on the existing conditions at each facility and an analysis of potential energy conservation measures (ECMs). The analysis included factored estimates for implementation, projected energy savings, energy cost savings, and project payback period.
For each facility, ANTARES provided recommended next steps including stating whether ECMs should be immediately implemented, subject to more data collection and analysis or simply not pursued at the present time.
Scoping Studies
ANTARES evaluates energy efficiency options for commercial and industrial facilities